Emperor Butterfly (ID - 1267):
The symbol of imperial power, issued by the highest ranks of the Secret Service.In the capable hands of his punches are so swift and graceful that resemble flying Butterflies)
Attack on an item Holy +390%
Def +8
Flee Rate +5
Perfect Dodge +2
Attack Speed +5%
movement speed+30%
Weigth - 1000
Can be used with 100-level
Use Assassin professions
To pass the quest, we need Emperor Butterfly:
100 Секретных Чертежей
It can be found in the following boxes:
- Секретные Чертежи of Запасы Гильдии with a chance 50%
-chests in the castle
5000 Evil Card (ID - 4059)
Выпадает из:
Evil lv 1000 (12%)
Можно найти в следующих коробках:
- Evil Card(100) of Помятая Коробка with a chance 60%
- Evil Card(100) из Помятая Коробка with a chance 97.99%, on holidays
2000 Little Evil Horn (ID - 1038)
Falling of:
Deviruchi lv 46 (100%)Mini Demon lv 68 (100%)Diabolic lv 67 (100%)
@warp gefenia02 /@warp gefenia03
min 20-30
500 Stone of Sage (ID -12040)
Выпадает из :
- Retribution(100%), Shelter(100%), Solace(100%), Observation(100%)
Begin in tha_t07..t13 min 20-30
500 Talon of Griffon (ID - 7048)[/size][size=9]The hardest part
Falling of:
Gryphon lv 72 (100%)
Since all monsters 6 шт cmd_fild08 [1] ra_fild01 [4] um_fild03 [1]
The easiest way to do it with a command @mobsearch
3 Fable_Jur (ID - 1299)
- Purchase price НПЦ Оружие - 2000кк
- Quest on Fable Jur Lv 600
- Fable Jur of Запасы Гильдии with a chance0.33%
falling of:
- Infected Green Plant lv 1 (0.25%)Добавлено (14.02.2017, 19:03)
Complete the quest can be in the NPC